Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cowl-a-ganza! (subtitle: cock-le mania)

So I never finished showing my WIPs in the last post. That is because I get distracted gushing about my boyfriend. I apologize. So in addition to the sock from the last post, jacob's sweater from two posts ago, and that stupid lace nonsense, I have a mitten in my WIP pile. Here it is.

I cast on for this pretty much right when I moved back in with my parents. It's for my ex-boyfriends mother (who adores me and pink). As you can see, there is only one of them and it is missing a thumb. That's because I wanted to get this off my addi turbo size 1 needle (my absolute favorite thing to knit on) so I could cast on that sock.

The thing about me is I usually don't get distracted from knitting easily. Once I get to about 5 WIPs I can't not finish them before I start something new. That doesn't seem to be the case here though because I decided to test knit a cowl. Specifically, the Cockleshell Cowl.

Unfortunately, I decided to knit it in this Alpaca yarn that I bought last year. I can't remember what it is but I bought it from Michaels and it is disgusting. It sheds like no other, has no stitch definition, and sucks. But I figured it would be super soft and warm on my neck.

A note about the pattern: I absolutely love it. The Cockleshells are genious. I've never knit a pattern where you drop a stitch for a bigger lace unravelling. So pretty. So without further ado, here are pictures.

First: The reason I decided to knit this in the first place: the cockleshells. Only part of the reason I like it is because I get to say COCKleshells.
Now, there is something you need to know about me if you're going to continue to read this. I am a cheap knitter. This means that even though I lust after blocking boards, I usually use cardboard. This leads to many interesting ways that I block things. For example, here is how I am blocking my cowl.
A griddle box and a fake painted pumpkin. Genius.

Here are some more shots of the cowl and you can see for yourself how terrible this freaking yarn is.

See? No stitch definition and you almost can't tell that there are lovely cables along with the stunning lace.

That is why... I've cast on for another. (OHHHH!!!! That was supposed to read like a punchline)

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